Bitpanda Staking not shown

I have my Bitpanda Wallet connected, but the Staking Coins are not shown sadly. I see that my coins were sent, supposed to the staking wallet but the are not showing anymore as my coins.


I imported many times with the CSV File and got all transactions.

Reimported also many times.

Hi @Leon_Gotz

Thanks for reaching out. :+1:t2:

With your staking, you’ll need to tag the Send transactions manually as ‘Sent to Pool’ (when you staked the tokens) and then tag the Deposits as ‘Received from Pool’ (when you unstake them).

This tells Koinly that you still own the tokens, but they’re currently not in your possession.

You won’t see any rewards unless you’ve claimed them and they’ve been deposited into your wallet.

If you’ve done all of this and there are still transactions missing, let me know. :+1:t2:

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