BETH (Binance Beacon ETH) value seems not ok

BETH (Binance Beacon ETH) shows currently as “286€/unit” in koinly dashboard, while its value is currently ~1500$/unit (close to ETH).

At least if we talk about Binance BETH that is supplied when staking some ETH for ETH2.0.

Best regards,


i have the same issue…Koinly please fix it ! Thank you! Otherwise at least for Taxreport its reporting wrong.

Thank you!

Hi! after check with support, it seems that “BETH Beacon Eth” should be used (with black icon) and not “BETH Binance Beacon Eth” (with yellow icon)

Same issue with BETH (Binance Beacon ETH) - value is listed at $345 per 1 BETH approx 24/02/21 versus $1650 per 1 ETH.

Hi team, same issue as above. Any update not requiring switching all transactions manually to BETH with black icon?

I cannot even see my BETH coins in the portfolio.

Same here, I can’t see BETH on my Koinly dashboard despite it being in my Binance spot wallet.

Anyone know how to fix this?

I have problems with this bug too because there are 2 different coin in Koinly system for the same coin: Binance Beacon ETH and Beacon ETH. Since I imported via API I can’t manually change so I hope Koinly can fix this asap please. I have to submit my taxes in a few days…
in Koinly it sees the one on Binance exchange as Beacon ETH et the one I transfer to my binance smart chain wallet as Binance Beacon ETH.

Hi, any update on this problem so far?

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Any news? Currently I gained 25% in 2 days after purchase what is not correct

Hi all,

This was fixed a few weeks ago so the price for BETH should now be correct.
Feel free to send us a message at [email protected] if you still have any issues related to this but it’s probably due to some other problems :slight_smile:

Best regards,

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