Best platform/s for API integration?

Describe the problem: I intermittently run up again issues with Binance API not outputting all the info I need. Most recently, grid trading bots are completely ignored. A few months ago, my issue was that for whatever reason some of my liquidity pool stuff was not getting imported by the API. I am curious to hear from the community as to which platforms have the best integration while also having plenty of features and low fees/spreads

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding? All exchanges

What have you tried to fix this so far? I’ve looked on the “integrations” page at but firstly it’s a pain to look through dozens of links and secondly I’ve heard from a Koinly staff himself that KuCoin doesn’t import bot trades via the API, which is not mentioned here, so I have suspicions about how useful this webpage would be in reporting all limitations in the API integration of each platform.

Hey @darker :wave:t2:

I’ll let others give their recommendations, just thought I’d add this in addition to our previous conversation:

The team has this marked as Planned so they are looking into fixing the import of the bot trades for Kucoin. :+1:t2:

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