Avalanche C-Chain - Generic Error (500) When Syncing

Describe the problem:
Generic Error (500) when syncing with Avalanche C-Chain

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
Avalanche C-Chain

How did you import data into this wallet?
Automatic sync

What have you tried to fix this so far?
Did not try to fix.


My Avax API syncs aren´t complete at the moment. Swaps show only one part of the trade. NFT trades only show the NFT side of the trade and not the WAVAX change.

I have the same problem on some of my wallets.

The wallets with C-Chain transactions only seem to be fine.
The wallets with C->X/P-Chain transactions give errors.

Is that the case for you too?

Here are some example addresses picket from snowtrace:
0x014c372fCEF84fe3e07F45C152A40D26aBbF473e → no exports, does sync correctly
0x8d6B9537C08eBa898e7e5037D5685FC2DB4ae83d → P-Chain export, leads to error

Hey guys - we are working on this, please follow link below for updates

Hey guys, this error should now be resolved. Please resync your wallets :+1:

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