Avalanche C-Chain API Sync: incomplete transactions. Only fetching incoming/outgoing NFTs

Describe the problem:
Avax C-Chain
Since Dec 1th ~5pm UTC
Only NFT transactions show up (after API sync, which doesnt show an error).
NFT transactions which show up, only consist of NFT transfer. No AVAX/WAVAX, which was involved gets fetched.
No listing/delisting transactions are fetched.
Made one swap, and only the receiving AVAX gets fetched. Not the outgoing ERC20 token.

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
Avax C-Chain

How did you import data into this wallet?
API Sync

What have you tried to fix this so far?


Same issue here, please update.
API Error: Page token is invalid or expired

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Hey @Lazerthelazy

Thank you for letting us know about this.

We’d need to have you reach out to us on [email protected] in order to investigate why your transactions are not being imported. I hope that makes sense.

In your ticket, can you please expand in more detail on the exact wallet, and more info on missing (NFT) transactions / listing/delisting txns / the swap you mentioned?

It would help us a great deal if you could include some screenshots! :slight_smile:

Our (advanced) Technical Team will then take it from there.

If you’d like your ticket to be prioritized, please mention the ID number in your reply to this thread.



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