I have read online that for a Perp trade i should just be entering the Profit or loss transaction. However my transaction from my Phantom wallet import automatically. However i am unsure this is accounting for the profit correctly to be taxed accordingly.
Example when i start a PERP trade it shows it as a sending the 5 SOL which creates a sale of the SOL. Then when it comes back in it shows as a deposit. However doesn’t show the gain of say 1.5 SOL
I am curious if these transaction that come in are correct and accounted for properly or if i have to edit all of my PERP trades
Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
Phantom - Jup.ag
How did you import data into this wallet?
automatically by address
What have you tried to fix this so far?
Nothing as i am not sure what the proper way to show these types of transactions