XLM 404 Error Cannot GET

Describe the problem:

Wallet: Stellar (XLM) (Stellar (XLM))
Transactions: 1
Imported with: API

  1. [404] Error Cannot GET /explorer/public/account/GAEXOA2F3XBFZAJUXBRVT2VOZVEXAHFVWC7MI24AAYOCR54PK7EY6EYD/history/payments
  2. No airdrops/forks found
  3. No crypto withdrawals found
  4. No trades found
  5. API does not allow access to: Network fees

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

XLM / Ledger

How did you import data into this wallet?


What have you tried to fix this so far?

Sync wallet and Sync wallet from the beginning

@Goldman87 hey! Updates for this error will be shared on the thread below

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