Trezor Suite transactions all '+' even when '-' so balances too high!?

Apologies everyone in advance if this is user error (me) and not a bug…
I am trying to import my Trezor suite transactions/balances into Koinly and the balances are not correct.
I have imported the CSV’s for Ethereum and BTC. I tried to find XPUB for BTC but can’t find it on Trezor suite. (seems easier on Trezor interenet browser but my wallets only work on Suite).
The sents and receives for BTC, only seem to register as additions meaning I’ve got too much BTC balance. How do I make the sents into minuses, everything seems to be a +.

Same problem.
My fix was to import the CSV as text into excel using SEMICOLON as separator, then put a negative to any SENT transactions.

I think the Trezor they are referring is “Trezor Wallet” now superseded by “Trezor Suite”. Hope that helps.

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That fix got my numbers into something MUCH more reasonable and I can now submit the report. People like you, taking time to document your own findings and help others, are all too rare! Thank you! :clap: :fireworks:

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