TON staking issue not showing correct balance and adding ton balance that is not even there

Describe the problem:
I am experiencing an issue in my transaction history where incorrect amounts of staked TON are displayed. Specifically, I staked a total of 2 TON through Tonstakers. Upon unstaking, I received 2.08 TON, which is accurate. However, your API incorrectly reports the staking amount and also includes “ghost” transactions supposedly received from the smart contract system.

To help illustrate the issue, I have attached screenshots in chronological order:

  1. Screenshot showing the first stake of 1 TON.
  2. Screenshot showing a total of 2 TON staked after adding another 1 TON.
  3. Screenshot showing the unstaking process and receiving 2.08 TON.

I have attached screenshots in chronological order so you will get an understanding:

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?
TON network where I used Tonkeeper

How did you import data into this wallet?
I imported data via your TON integration option.

What have you tried to fix this so far?
I have tried to look through your forum to see if others have had same issue with TON staking but I could not find a related post.

I attempted to investigate the transaction tree on Tonscan and reviewed transactions chronologically. However, the incorrect staking amounts and the appearance of unexplained transactions make it difficult to identify and resolve the problem.

I hope you can help clarify and help me resolve this issue. :slight_smile:

Hi @Aleksander_GD

Would you please reach out to our support team via the in-app chat sharing the screenshots/details above so that we can investigate this?