Terra lunc sync from trust/terra station wallet experience sync failure as 'The Terra API seems to be down at the moment. Please try again later'

Describe the problem:

Terra lunc sync from trust/terra station wallet experience sync failure as ‘The Terra API seems to be down at the moment. Please try again later’

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

Fails in both wallets:

  1. Trust wallet sync to koinly. for terra luna 2.0 and old lunc classic tokens.
  2. terra station

How did you import data into this wallet?
Using Luna Wallets Public address as API key .

What have you tried to fix this so far?

  • Currently resync does not work. Need suggestions.
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Hi please see above thread and send a message through to our support team for further assistance, nobody on the forums can help with API issues, we need to take a look at your account specifically.

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