Suppress Profit Calculations For Send Transactions

Describe the problem:
Every send transaction assumes that I am spending funds when in fact I have never purchased anything with my cryptocurrency. If I am sending then it is a gift to a family member or a transfer to one of my own wallets that I have not imported. I could go into each transaction and label it a gift to disable the behavior but there are about a thousand transactions because we play around a lot. So relabeling each transaction is not practical. Importing all the wallets is not practical either as some of them aren’t even mine.

Is there a global control to suppress profit calculations on Send transactions?

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I am not aware of any global control that would suppress P&L calculations for all Send transactions.

I would note that most Send transactions on the blockchain, including transfers between your own wallets/accounts, involve the payment of a transaction fee which is a disposal or expenditure that triggers P&L/capital gains or losses. You can suppress the treatment of transaction fees on Transfers between your imported wallets by disabling the **Treat transfer fees as disposals?**option in Koinly Settings.

You already know that you can suppress the calculation of P&L on any Send transaction by labelling or tagging it as a Gift, which is time consuming if you have thousands of transactions.

There are other Settings that suppress P&L calculations on specific types of transactions but I don’t think these will help you in your case.


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