Purchase and receive transactions far apart in date not merging

Describe the problem:
purchase and receive transactions far apart in date not merging. Is there any way I can get this to work without changing dates of transactions and messing up the pricing of the assets. both assets have a price based on withdraw and deposit time and dates.

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?

**What have you tried to fix this so far?**MERGING

I’ve been dealing with the same / similar issue, primarily magic eden nft bids, nft listings, and pre-sales. It’s a mess, but it seems to be a mess for other programs too. Hopefully we can get some solid guidance on this.

I don’t recommend doing what I did, but it seems to work, so I will share.

I had to manually adjust over 300 transactions between 2021-2024 and it appears to have worked properly. I used 2 different methods.

  1. Carefully modify the transactions to match reality. I deleted one of the transactions and modified the other accordingly. Then be patient while Koinly recalculates.
  2. If it was an AMM with multiple trades then I added the AMM address as a wallet then made sure the transfers matched up.

In some situations the cost basis didn’t seem correct, so I deleted the cost basis and let Koinly recalculate.

I hope you get an answer from someone at Koinly that helps you out.

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Hi @crizzz36 and @bwood00

For presales, or transactions where the tokens spent and the tokens received are days apart, merging is not an option.

In these cases, you should only change the worth of the tokens received to match the cost of the tokens spent.

Check out ICO transactions for more information.