Missing transactions for contract change (ocean hard fork)

Describe the problem:
I receive an error in my wallet saying there is a mismatch between the number of tokens in my account and the number that should exist based on my transactions. The token underwent two hard forks, and moved to a new contract address. The details are in the blog post from the token website below



I can see the original transaction, where I exchanged eth for the token using the old contract. I do not see the transaction for the new one on koinly, however, I can see it on etherscan.

The error difference is for twice the amount of the tokens that I purchased and adds the word [old] after the name. This makes sense as there were two forks so my balance will reflect 3x the number I originally bought

When I try to add the transaction manually using the information from etherscan, I am not allowed to swap for tokens of the same name.

My balance shows the correct amount of tokens and my etherscan shows the correct contract address.

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?
Public address

What have you tried to fix this so far?
Manually adding the transaction of the contract swap, resyncing wallet

Same problem here with OCEAN

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