Loan repayment triggers gain

Describe the problem:
Whatever I have borrowed (udst) I have repaid more as it included interests. This excess is being captured by the app as gain or missing therefore profit.

Which exchange/wallet is this regarding?

How did you import data into this wallet?

What have you tried to fix this so far?
I tried to use from pool in/to pool out and the result was the same.
I’ve also tried to import from CSV and the labels were not recognized.

@jg511 I saw your thread and was wondering if you had any trouble with labels being recognized when importing from csv. Also, what csv table format did you use? Thanks a lot to the community, Koinly support had been pretty inexistant or useless so far.

I am having the same issue. It is described in this post here: VARIABLEDEBTMUSDT - Aave Matic - #2 by Gavin

Can anyone from koinly chime in on this?

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