IRS Accounting Methods

Does Koinly plan to add specific identification as an accounting method as it has been approved by the IRS as an acceptable method for virtual currency tax reporting?

I would like to know this too, as there are times where specific ID accounting would be excellent.

Purchase 1 unit of token A in January for $10 Fiat as an investment.
Wish to purchase a new token B with some token B in September. Unfortunately, I cannot purchase token B with fiat, but many exchanges support TokenA/TokenB exchanges.

I do not want to use my original lot of token A from January, as I want to avoid a capital gains event, so instead I want to purchase 1 more unit of token A and immediately exchange it for token B.

With FIFO this exchange will use the cost basis of Januarys purchase rather than today’s and if the price has gone up I will incur capital gains. I’d much prefer to use specific ID in this case so that I may directly allocate today’s purchase of Token A as the unit used for the exchange between Token A/B and thereby avoid a gain.

Is there any plans to support this? There are many blog posts from Koinly about this method, but I cannot see support within the application…