Balance Changes after withdrawing LP Position

Hi there,

How do I handle this correctly: For example I threw 1 ETH and 1000 ARB into a pool and I marked it as “sent to pool” … I later then remove the pool again and I get back 0,5 ETH and e.g. 1800 Arb.

Koinly of course now says that I have a missing purchase of 800 Arb. But this happened automatically in the LP Position.

How do I fix this?

Thank you very much!

Hey @911

Thanks for reaching out. :wave:t2:

This sounds like one for the team to take a look at as there are a few ways to solve the issue depending on how you believe it to be taxed.

Please contact [email protected] with the above message and one of the team will be able to talk you through it. :+1:t2: