429 Too many requests

I get this error when trying to sync my sol addresses. No transactions get added. Pls need a fix on this or suggestion where to get csv for the previous year.

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Hi Dolorm. :wave:t2:

Thanks for your question! There is an issue with Solana’s API that started happening yesterday.

The team is aware of it and are working on a fix as we speak. :+1:t2:

There is also a 503 error that is happening so if you see this one also, I can assure you that they are working on both of them. I don’t have an ETA but I’d advise trying to sync your wallet later today/tomorrow to see if it’s fixed.

I’ll do my best to keep this thread updated too. :blush:

The alternative is that you could try and grab a CSV from https://stake.tax, but if you can I’d advise waiting for the API issues to be resolved.

I am having a similar error with my solana wallets now. Has the koinly team been able to resolve this issue? If not, is there an expected resolution time? Thank you.

Same is happening with my Solana wallets. What is the status or ETA of a fix? It shows 16d when this was posted.

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I’m experiencing the same issue too!

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Same issue here, on several Solana wallets (Solflare, Exodus, Coinbase). All showing 429, too many requests. Any solution or working on a fix already? Cheers and go on with this great app anyway :partying_face:

Hi all. :wave:t2:

The initial issue from 16 days ago was resolved a couple of weeks back but started appearing temporarily again yesterday.

Can you all try syncing your SOL wallets again, please? It seems to have cleared up again. :+1:t2:

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